Cooking healthy gourmet on a tight budget is my favorite challenge. To me nothing is more satisfying then taking a traditional recipe and tweaking it to make it healthier, cheaper and no one being able to tell the difference.
So when my darling husband finally caved and allowed me to buy four little soufflé dishes yesterday. I was thrilled to have a new challenge, considering I had never even had a soufflé, let alone made one!
I scoured the Internet for the perfect recipe and I found a chocolate one that I figured I could make "mine" with little affect on the end result.
The recipe called for diced bittersweet chocolate squares- which I had none of- so I used 1/3 cup of Pure Dutch Cocao powder (like literally- we bought this stuff in Belgium last year!!) and whisked in Trader Joe's gluten free/ lactose free creamer until it was a creamy consistency then set a side whilst I got busy making egg whites peak.
The secrete to making egg whites peak is to have them at room temperature and to add a dash of salt. I used a hand held mixer with a whisk attached and beat the eggs on medium for about 10 minutes.
Once the egg whites are stiff its all about technique of "folding." I personally find it easiest to use a spatula and go slow. Very slow.
The best way I can describe how to fold is to scoop out the whites and place them on top of the chocolate mixture-gently. Then "cut" the chocolate while gently flicking your wrist as you bring the chocolate to the top and folding it over the whites. The secret to a fluffy soufflé really is just patience I think.
So after all the mixing, folding, taking pictures and answering stupid questions of "why are you taking pictures of your food" I was ready to pour into the soufflé dishes.
I filled them pretty full and then placed the cups on a stone dish since my metal cookie sheets are cheap and tend to pop in the oven. I didn't want any lopsided deflated desserts after all that hard work.
After a quick bake in the oven my little treasure cups where ready. I must say, all that hard work was worth it. I think they turned out heavenly.
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